Healthcare reporting in Liberia, a new phenomenon, has enduring enormous benefits to the sustenance of the overall healthcare delivery system for which the amendment to the name of Anti-AIDS Media Network seeks to address in increasing the focus to a holistic health response in the country.
The amendment is triggered by the desire to expand its activities through a broad-based health journalism that educates the population to make good treatment decisions, provide information on public healthcare and various human rights issues under the Universal Human Rights.
The new name therefore hopes to bring together media practitioners to improve the quality, accuracy and visibility of holistic health and human rights journalism in the mainstream media in Liberian society.
Based on the need to increase reportage in resuscitating Liberia’s healthcare delivery, the new name of the organization which is now called Liberia Health and Rights Journalists Network (LHRJN), consistent with the Non-for-Profit Corporation Act of Part II of the Association Law of Liberia, enacted in 1976 and amended in 1977, would go beyond educating the public on other diseases, HIV, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and other human rights issues affecting the country, especially key. marginalized and vulnerable populations.
As one of the most striking elements is reporting on preventative healthcare management which applies to all stages, the new name also cuts across reporting on the prevention of illness to decrease the burden of disease and associated risk factors in Liberia.
Disease reporting which provides a predictive analytics and insights that is found in healthcare, this creates a platform for public health surveillance which is a tool to estimate the health status and behavior of the populations served by ministries of health, finance and development planning, and donors, because surveillance can directly measure what is going on in the population, it is useful both for measuring the need for interventions and for directly measuring the effects of interventions. The purpose of surveillance is to empower decision makers to lead and manage more effectively by providing timely, useful evidence.
Increasingly, top managers at ministries of health and finance and development planning in Liberia and donor agencies are recognizing that reporting issues surrounding effective surveillance systems are useful for targeting resources and evaluating programs.
Reporting on HIV, tropical diseases and other severe acute medical conditions underscored the critical role of surveillance in protecting Liberians and the global community, and as far as the ever-increasing cost of healthcare delivery remains a challenge, it is sufficient reason for every Liberian to be concerned.
With support from the American Jewish World Service (AJWS), the Board of Advisors and leadership of the Anti-AIDS Media Network (AAMIN) have announced an amendment to the organization’s name.
Since 2011, the Anti-AIDS Media Network has operated as an independent, non-profit organization educating the public on HIV, Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and other human rights issues affecting, especially key and vulnerable populations in the country.
With this new name, the organization intends to seek support from partners to ensure a vibrant, sustained and committed community of health and human rights reporters who are being trained to unearth public health issues, and holding policymakers and state actors accountable to address issues affecting the citizens.
The launch of the new name serves as a motivation in calling on stakeholders to ensure that no one is left behind in the provision of healthcare services and human rights protection in the country through a strong policy to address stigma and discrimination.
The new name also seeks to address stigma and discrimination which is mostly directed at Persons Living with HIV, key populations and marginalized groups that need practical actions from policymakers in ensuring that no new HIV-related discriminatory laws and regulations are passed, existing HIV-related discriminatory laws and regulations are repealed, and 90% of Persons Living with HIV and key populations have access to justice and can challenge their rights violations.
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